Game Rules

Lower Stages (Stage 1 – Stage 45)

Skill Level: Meant for beginners

Categories: Mental, Abacus, Aural Mental, Flash Memory

Categories Details
Mental Arithmetic What you need to do: Type in the flashing number you see

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 3 minutes


Abacus Arithmetic What you need to do: Type in the relatives (Friends, Brothers, Neighbours) of the number you see

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes


What you need to do: Calculate using your abacus

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes


Aural Mental Arithmetic What you need to do: Listen for the number and type it down

Total: 5 Questions

Time Limit: 3 minutes


Flash Memory What you need to do: Type in the flashing number you see

Total: 5 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes

Higher Stages (Stage 46 onwards)

Skill Level: Intermediate Level learners and above

Categories: Mental, Abacus, Aural Mental, Flash Memory

Categories Details
Mental Arithmetic What you need to do: Calculate using your brain power

Tool to be used: Picture Card

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 3 minutes


Abacus Arithmetic

(Addition & Subtraction)

What you need to do: Calculate the sums using your abacus

Tool to be used: Abacus

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 10 minutes


Abacus Arithmetic

(Multiplication & Division)


What you need to do: Answer the multiplication sums

Tool to be used: Abacus

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes



What you need to do: Calculate the division sums using your abacus

Tool to be used: Abacus

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 10 minutes


Multiplication & Division

What you need to do: Calculate using your abacus

Tool to be used: Abacus

Total: 10 Questions

Time Limit: 10 minutes


Aural Mental Arithmetic What you need to do: Listen to the numbers and calculate

Tool to be used: Picture Card

Total: 5 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes


Flash Memory What you need to do: Calculate the flashing numbers

Tool to be used: Abacus or Picture Card

Total: 5 Questions

Time Limit: 5 minutes

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